We were visited by the “dirty” (west) side of Tropical Storm Hermine on September 7 which dumped some significant rainfall on us. The main density of rainfall walked right up I-35 in what the weathermen call a “train” effect. Then again on September 8 a second load of rain was pulled up from the gulf by the tail of the storm. Unfortunately the ground was still drenched from the previous rain and it resulted in some flooding in our area. The bad thing about flooding in this area are the low-water crossings that people will sometimes try to drive through. In some subdivisions the flooded crossings also trap people so they can’t leave or get back to their house.
There’s a normally-dry creek bed in the ravine behind our house. This afternoon it was a river that we could hear loudly raging from the house. I walked down to the area of the creek and captured some video of the flooding: