Home Improvement

Installing Ceiling Fans for Back Patio

We bought a couple of ceiling fans for our covered back patio and set about the task of installing them to replace the light fixtures in the ceiling. Some of the work was more challenging than expected as it can be on these types of projects. The ceiling fan that we chose was the Hampton Bay Cedar Lake, mainly because the blades and airflow are suitable for the smaller area, it is rated for outdoor covered usage, and the light fixture looks cool:

Smart Plug for Hot Water Recirculation Pump

The previous post described how a hot water recirculation pump solved a problem with a shower that took a long time to get hot water. One problem that was mentioned is that the included dial timer to control the pump was prone to problems of getting out of synch if there is a power outage and the dial stops turning. Also the settings of the dial timer aren’t real accurate given that they are in 15-minute increments:

Hot Water Recirculation Pump

We recently moved to a new house in Las Cruces, New Mexico and are working out a few minor issues. One thing we noticed is that the shower in the main bathroom takes a long time to get hot water. That is not very convenient and not cool to waste water in the Chihuahuan Desert by running cold water until it heats up. The reason for this problem is that the master bathroom is a long run from the hot water heater that’s in the garage and the hot water has to displace all of the cold water already in the pipe.